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Build and deploy a service with Go

Learn to build a Go service and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster in AWS

Tyler Aldrich Apr 5

Go, also known as Golang, is a popular, statically typed, compiled programming language designed by Google. It is an easy-to-learn programming language with a C-style syntax and strong built-in networking and concurrency capabilities. The ecosystem of developers and tools is vast and constantly growing, making it a great language to write a new application or microservice.

Go has a lot of built-in support for writing a service that can render templates and write to the database – perfect for a simple CRUD application. Go’s template syntax can be used to create server-rendered HTML and the built-in net/http package provides us with a handy HTTP server that can be used to route requests to various handlers and return static content.

This example will use these features to create a simple Movie Rating application that stores a name and a rating in a database for each movie entry and retrieves existing entries for display.

Architect will be used to deploy the application in the free Kubernetes environment that comes with your Architect account.


This tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of the Go language and will focus on building out the various components needed to build our app.

Before running the steps in this tutorial, make sure that you have the following:

  1. A local Git installation
  2. A GitHub account
  3. Docker (make sure it’s running!)
  4. A free Architect account
  5. The Architect CLI

Installing Go is not necessary as our server will be running in a container in this example, but it can optionally be downloaded here.

Run the architect init command

To start off, we will use the architect init command to clone the Go starter project and walk through the code that comprises the Go project. At the end of this tutorial, you will have a clearer understanding of how to write a simple service in Go that can render templates and interact with a database.

Run architect init from your terminal, and select go from the drop-down list:

architect init
? What is the name of your project? my-starter-project
? Please select a framework/language for your project 
❯ Go 

When the command completes, cd to the go directory:

? What is the name of your project? my-starter-project
? Please select a framework/language for your project Go

##### Let's set up your project! #####

Creating project directory... ✓
Pulling down GitHub repository... ✓ go

Successfully created project my-starter-project.

Your project is ready to be deployed by Architect!
To deploy locally, run:
	$ architect dev my-starter-project/architect.yml

cd ./go

Project walkthrough

Before we deploy this starter project, let’s take a look at the source code.

Connect to the database using GORM

GORM is a fully featured ORM for Go which allows us to create a simple Item table and run an auto-migration to update our database. We will use this application to store movie ratings, but since it can store ratings for any item, not just movies, we’ll call the table item.

The database code is located in server/database.go, so open that up in your favorite editor to get started.


import (


To start off, the fmt, log, and os built-in packages are imported in order to format our DSN, log any errors encountered, and grab environment variables containing our database information, respectively.

Next, is imported because we are connecting to a PostgreSQL database and need to use GORM’s Postgres driver. is imported in order to open a database session using the PostgreSQL driver.


The only model we need for this walkthrough is a simple Item struct with Name and Rating fields. GORM will use this struct to create a item table in the database with name and rating columns.

type Item struct {
    Name   string
    Rating uint

gorm.Model is a helpful struct defined by GORM, which includes the fields ID (as a primary key), CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, and DeletedAt. This is a convenient addition to many models and is included in our Item struct as an embedded struct to simplify our code further.

Database configuration

Finally, we have a simple function that returns a pointer to our database session called ConfigureDb.

func ConfigureDb() *gorm.DB {
    dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s user=%s password=%s dbname=%s port=%s",
        os.Getenv("DB_HOST"), os.Getenv("DB_USER"), os.Getenv("DB_PASSWORD"),
        os.Getenv("DB_NAME"), os.Getenv("DB_PORT"))
    db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Unable to connect to db")

    // Migrate our database to add this table if it's not already present

    return db

Using the GORM postgres driver, gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) will return a pointer to the gorm.DB database handle, which can be used to query and insert data into the database.

Before returning this database handle, db.AutoMigrate(Movie{}) is called to update the database (if necessary) with a table that maps to the Item struct defined above.

You may be wondering where the environment variables like DB_HOST are being set – the configuration of these environment variables is discussed in the deployment section below.

Write templates with Go

Next, we need a way for users to create new movie ratings and see existing ratings. To do this, we make use of Go’s template syntax and the built-in html/template package to create and parse templates.

There are two templates in this project: server/templates/base.tmpl and server/templates/item_rating.tmpl. This layout is overkill at the moment because only one template is utilizing the base.tmpl base template. Still, it showcases how a combination of templates can be used to render various pages in your application.

In the base template, server/templates/base.tmpl, the HTML document is set up with a very basic body that creates blocks overridden by other templates to insert content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Golang App</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/styles.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=",400,500,700&display=swap" />
        <link rel="icon" href="/static/favicon.ico" />
        <div class="container">
            <p align="center" class="logo">
                <a href="//" target="blank">
                    alt="Architect Logo"

            {{ block "rating_form" .}}{{end}}
            {{ block "rating_table" .}}{{end}}

This base template declares a couple of different blocks – a rating_form block that will house the movie rating creation form, and a rating_table block that will have a table of existing ratings.

In the “Main” template, server/templates/item_rating.tmpl, these blocks are defined.

The rating_form block has a simple form that will POST to the /item/ endpoint defined in main.go.

{{ define "rating_form" }}
    <form action="/item/" method="post">
        <h1>Favorite Pizza</h1>
        <div class="user_inputs">
                placeholder="Rating 1-5*"
        <div class="d-grid gap-2">
            <button type="submit">
{{ end }}

The rating_table block uses some of Go’s template language features to conditionally display the table and to loop through and render all existing movie ratings.

{{ define "rating_table" }}
    {{ if .Items }}
        <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
                {{ range $item := .Items }}
                    <td>{{ $item.Name }}</td>
                    <td>{{ $item.Rating }}</td>
                {{ end }}
    {{ else }}
        <p>No entries found</p>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

In the ratings_table block, Items references an array of Item structs that will be passed in while rendering this template. If the array is empty, <p>No entries found</p> will be rendered instead of the table.

{{ range $item := .Items }} ... {{ end }} will repeat the block and assign each element in the Items array to $item.

  <td>{{ $item.Name }}</td>
  <td>{{ $item.Rating }}</td>

This will be repeated for every movie, creating a table row with a column for the movie name and rating.

Serve some static resources

Now that our templates are in place, we need to handle serving static resources. In the base template, you may have noticed we included a CSS file in the <head>: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/styles.css">. styles.css is a static resource served by our application from the route /static/styles.css.

To serve these static resources, we make use of Go’s http.FileServer from the http package. This FileServer will return a handler that serves HTTP requests with the contents of the file system – perfect for serving static resources like CSS.

In the main function of main.go, there are a handful of routes that get registered:

// Serves our main template
http.HandleFunc("/", handleRoot(db))
// Serves our static css assets
http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(STATIC_DIR))))
// Handles POST requests to add new Items to the database for display
http.HandleFunc("/item/", handleCreateItem(db))

The other two handlers will be discussed below, but http.Handle("/static/", ...) is the route we use to serve static resources. http.FileServer(http.Dir(STATIC_DIR)) creates a FileServer that will serve the contents of the directory STATIC_DIR, which is defined at the top of the file to be "static". Finally, http.StripPrefix("/static/", ...) is necessary so that /static/ is stripped from the route /static/your-static-resource.css, and your-static-resource.css will be looked up in the STATIC_DIR.

When /static/styles.css is referenced now, the /static/ handler will be used to serve the file styles.css from the static directory.

Render templates and handle POST requests

The last step to get our app working is to render the item_rating.tmpl template to display the list of movie ratings and handle POST requests to /item/ when a new rating is submitted.

These two things are accomplished with the other two routes mentioned above.

func main() {
    db := ConfigureDb()

    // Serves our main template
    http.HandleFunc("/", handleRoot(db))
    // ...

When / is hit, we call the handleRoot function and pass a reference to the configured database so that movie ratings can be queried. Because HandleFunc expects a function, func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), in order to process requests to the specified route, handleRoot returns a function with this signature. Any request that doesn’t match the other more specific routes will match "/", and therefore the first thing done is checking if r.URL.Path != "/". If somebody tries navigating to /foo, our app will return a 404 via the handle404 function.

func handle404(w http.ResponseWriter) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Not Found")

This is a simple function that writes the status code 404 to the HTTP response and adds the message “Not Found” to the body.

If the route is valid, we need to query movie ratings from the database and render our template with the array of movies it is expecting.

var items []Item

data := struct {
     Items []Item
     Items: items,

renderTemplate(w, "item_rating", data)

db.Find(&items) uses GORM to find all records matching the given condition and adds those records to the destination &items, a pointer to an array of movies. In this case, we want all movie ratings, so no conditions are passed in.

The item_ratings template expects a struct field called Items that contains this array of movie ratings so that struct is created and passed to the helper function renderTemplate.

func renderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, template_name string, data any) {
    // The base template is always included in whatever template we render.
    base_template := fmt.Sprintf("%v/base.tmpl", TEMPLATE_DIR)
    template_to_render := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v.tmpl", TEMPLATE_DIR, template_name)
    t, err := template.ParseFiles(base_template, template_to_render)

    if err != nil {

    if err := t.Execute(w, data); err != nil {

This function constructs a path to the base template and the template we have passed in, setting those values to base_template and template_to_render, respectively. Next, the html/template package has a ParseFiles function that will create a new template that combines the base template with our template_to_render. Finally, t.Execute(w, data) will use the combined template to apply the template to the data object containing the array of movie ratings and write the output to the writer (which is our HTTP response).

At this point, the / route is rendered and displays the list of movie ratings! The last step is handling the form submission to create new ratings so that the table isn’t eternally empty. The handler for the /item/ route looks very similar to /:

http.HandleFunc("/item/", handleCreateItem(db))

handleCreateItem has a couple of different responsibilities. It first needs to deal with some basic data validation, and upon successfully validating that the movie rating data is acceptable, it needs to write the movie rating to the database and redirect the user back to /.

r.ParseForm() will handle parsing the POST body as a form and put the results into r.PostForm for us to access.

name := r.PostForm.Get("name")
rating := r.PostForm.Get("rating")

if name == "" {
    redirect(w, r, "/")

rating_number, err := strconv.Atoi(rating)
if err != nil || rating_number < 1 || rating_number > 5 {
    redirect(w, r, "/")

If any validation fails, the user is redirected to the input form again. The redirect function is a simple wrapper around http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) for convenience. The validation, in this case, is very basic: As long as the movie name is not an empty string and as long as the rating_number can be parsed as an integer between 1 and 5, the rating is accepted.

db.Create(&Item{Name: name, Rating: uint(rating_number)})
redirect(w, r, "/")

After validation passes, GORM’s db. Create is used to add a new row to the items table. An Item struct is created with the name and rating_number converted to an unsigned integer. Once the rating is created, users are redirected to /, which will display the rating in the table.

Deploy the application

At this point, all the code needed for our simple app is ready! All that is left is deployment, so your friends and family can finally rate movies. The Architect CLI will be used to run this locally and will also be used to eventually deploy it to the cloud.

In order to use Architect to run this application locally and on a remote Kubernetes cluster, the repo contains a file called architect.yml. This configuration file looks a lot like a Docker Compose file – when running architect dev, it will be converted into a docker-compose.yml and will be run with docker compose. When deploying to the cloud, the architect.yml is used to generate Terraform.

The architect.yml file in this starter project is heavily annotated to describe what each block of configuration is doing – more information about the architect.yml file and what options are available can be found in the Architect docs.

Run locally

Before deploying to a cloud environment, it is always a good idea to first run your application locally. You can do this using Architect by executing a single command from the top-level directory of the cloned repository:

architect dev .

You’ll see the container build and then start running. The gateway containers that you see manage incoming network traffic and allow Architect to serve the applications on fixed domains.

Once the containers are running, they will be accessible via the following URLs: => go-demo--app

http://localhost:443/ => gateway:443
http://localhost:8080/ => gateway:8080
http://localhost:50000/ => go-demo--app:8000
http://localhost:50001/ => go-demo--app-db:5432

When the container startup is complete, Architect will serve the Go application at, which will open in a tab in your browser automatically. You can now rate movies!

Deploy to the Cloud

Now that we have tested the application locally, we are ready to deploy it to the cloud. First, we’ll deploy using AWS native tools. Then we’ll use Architect to deploy the application using a single command.

Use AWS native tools

You’ll need an EKS cluster for these next steps. If you need help creating a cluster or installing kubectl, follow these steps.

Before you can deploy the application, you’ll need to build it and push it to a remote registry. To build the image locally and push it to Docker Hub, run the following command, substituting your Docker repo name:

docker build -t YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_NAME/go-app:latest .
docker push YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_NAME/go-app:latest

Alternatively, you can push a private image to ECR and set up IAM permissions so that you can push your image from the command line.

Now that your container is available in a remote registry, we’ll need to create a couple of deployments and services. First, create a deployments.yml file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: sample-go-deployment
  namespace: sample-app
    app: sample-go
  replicas: 1
      app: sample-go
        app: sample-go
      - name: go-app
        image: YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_NAME/go-app:latest
        - name: http
          containerPort: 8000
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          - name: PORT
            value: "8000"
          - name: DB_NAME
            value: "app-db"
          - name: DB_USER
            value: "architect"
          - name: DB_PASSWORD
            value: "secret"
          - name: DB_HOST
            value: "postgres"
          - name: DB_PORT
            value: "5432"
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: postgres-volume
  namespace: sample-app
    type: local
    app: postgres
  - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 1Gi
    path: /mnt/data
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: postgres-pv-claim
  namespace: sample-app
    app: postgres
  storageClassName: gp2
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: postgres
  namespace: sample-app
    app: postgres
  replicas: 1
      app: postgres
        app: postgres
        - name: postgres
          image: postgres:12
          imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
            - containerPort: 5432
          - name: POSTGRES_DB
            value: "app-db"
          - name: POSTGRES_USER
            value: "architect"
          - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
            value: "secret"
          - name: PGDATA
            value: /var/lib/postgresql/data/db
            - mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
              name: postgredb
        - name: postgredb
            claimName: postgres-pv-claim

Be sure to replace YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_NAME/go-app:latest with your Docker repo name! This deployments.yml will create a few resources – the Go application, a PostgreSQL 12 database, and a volume for the database to use to store data persistently.

Next, we need to set up some network services so that our Go application can connect to the database and so we can reach the Go application from outside the cluster. Create a file called network_services.yml with the following contents:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: postgres
  namespace: sample-app
    app: postgres
    app: postgres
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 5432
    targetPort: 5432
  type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: go-app-lb
  namespace: sample-app
    app: sample-go
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: sample-go
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8000

And finally, we’ll use kubectl to apply these changes by running:

kubectl create namespace sample-app
kubectl apply -f deployments.yaml -f network_services.yml

In order to access the application, you’ll need the external IP address, which you can find by running:

$ kubectl get services --namespace=sample-app              
go-app-lb   LoadBalancer   <omitted>
postgres    ClusterIP   <none>  

If you navigate to the go-app-lb resource’s external IP in your browser, you will see the app running!

Use Architect

Architect offers a free cloud where you can deploy your application. You can even integrate Architect with GitOps to launch the application in a new environment with every pull request. However, for this post, we are going to show you how to use Architect to deploy to an external EKS cluster.


You’ll need to create a free Architect account for these next steps. Once you’ve created an account, you can log in with the CLI by running the following command:

architect login

This command prompts you to log into your account through the browser, and then your requests made via the CLI will be authenticated.

Setup your cluster environment

Next, you’ll connect your EKS cluster to Architect. For this step, you’ll need the kubeconfig for your cluster. You can store it in the default location, ./kube/config, or you can pass the location of the file on the command line. Run the following command to connect your EKS cluster to Architect:

architect cluster:create <cluster-name> --kubeconfig <kubeconfig-file-path>

If you have more than one Architect account, a dropdown list of accounts will be displayed. Architect will also display a list of all the clusters it found in your kubeconfig, so you’ll need to select the one you wish to connect. When the command completes, the output will look similar to the following:

%architect cluster:create aws                                              
? Select an account to register the cluster with <account-name>
? Which kube context points to your cluster? arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:914808004132:cluster/<cluster-name>
Creating the service account... done
Registering cluster with Architect... done
Cluster registered:
Installing the agent... done
? Would you like to install the requisite networking applications? This is a required step before using Architect with this cluster. More details at the above URL. (Y/n) 

Now that Architect has access to your EKS cluster, you’ll need to create a new environment. A cluster environment is similar to a namespace, and enables logical separation of deployed components.

Run the following command to create an environment, and select your cluster name from the dropdown list:

architect environments:create <environment-name>

When the command completes, you should see output similar to the following:

%architect environments:create <environment-name>
? Select a cluster <cluster-name>
Registering environment with Architect... done
Environment created:<account-name>/environments/<environment-name>

Now that you have connected your cluster and created an environment, you only need to run a single command to deploy any application. Run the following command from the top-level directory of your project, and select the environment you just created from the drop-down list:

architect deploy .

Once you run the command above, you’ll be asked “Would you like to apply?” to confirm the deployment pipeline. Select Yes to complete the deployment, or feel free to follow the link to the “Pipeline ready for review” in the Architect UI. When the component has been deployed, your terminal will look similar to this:

$ architect deploy .
[ Image building and registration removed for clarity ]
Creating pipelines... done
Pipeline ready for review:<account-name>/environments/<environment -name>/pipelines/<pipeline-id>
? Would you like to apply? Yes
go-demo:architect.environment.<environment-name> Deployed
Deploying... done

That’s a wrap

At this point, you’ve built an application in Go that can be run locally and deployed to the cloud with only a handful of commands. You should now understand how to write some simple HTTP endpoints using Go, how to use Go’s template language to write templates, and how to string it all together to build a website that can read and write from a database!

For more best practices and tutorials, check out these other posts from the Architect blog:

As always, feel free to hit us up with comments and suggestions on Twitter at @architect_team!