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Five tips for successfully managing dependencies

Managing dependencies in a distributed, microservice world can be tricky. Here are five tips to help.

Tyler Aldrich Mar 6

The era of the monolithic application is over, and it has been replaced by a distributed, microservice-oriented world. Modern applications and services are no longer independent; instead, they are highly dependent on a host of external systems and code. Without these dependencies, the service or application will not run correctly, if it even runs at all.

Unfortunately, managing these dependencies successfully is not as simple as just making sure that all your dependencies exist; it’s a complex task that needs to consider not just what your system relies on but also what other systems rely on you. Additionally, it isn’t isolated to just part of your team—successful management is critical for all of your engineers. From developers to architects, the whole team needs to understand proper dependency management. 

In this blog post, we’ll look at five tips for managing your dependencies so that your teams can implement changes safely and efficiently. 

Let’s start with a look at the importance of dependency management.

Why is dependency management important?

Let’s consider for a moment what it takes to start up a typical authentication service. It likely depends on a database to store active and expired sessions, an API to create and read tokens, and a user service to verify user information. In a microservices architecture, services are kept small in order to manage individual service complexity; however, this separation of concerns increases the amount of integration necessary for a fully functional system.

At a minimum, even so-called monolithic applications depend on a database for data persistence and perhaps other services for scheduling and running time-consuming jobs. Managing these dependencies involves time-consuming communication, which becomes difficult to scale as your organization grows. It may even be difficult to run this monolith locally without mocked or simulated dependencies, and this introduces the risk that you’re not developing in an environment that sufficiently mirrors production.

Lacking insight into these dependencies can slow down your organization. For example, your architecture team may not have the full picture of the dependencies of each service, making it hard for them to understand the ramifications of changes throughout the system. Alternatively, a development team may not fully understand how much other teams depend on their APIs.

Additionally, organizations will find it challenging to quickly expand to new regions or cloud providers if they don’t know what services need to be provisioned and in what order. Every service has relationships with others in your ecosystem, and a bird’s-eye view of those relationships is often lacking.

In an interconnected service architecture, dependency management is critical. Let’s take a look at how this applies to different roles within your organization.

Which engineers need dependency management?

The answer is that they all do. Every one of your engineers needs to take a proactive approach to managing dependencies; however, this approach will differ depending on the role.

Software engineers

New members of a software development team need to understand dependencies quickly so they can start contributing. Dependencies may be updated frequently, so documentation can quickly become outdated and is often only reviewed when new team members join. That said, new team members can often help the team become aware of documentation that needs updating.

A developer should run the application locally with the same dependency versions that are running in production. Most applications won’t run properly without their dependencies, and those that do are at risk for unexpected behavior. Developers need to know which version of a dependency their application depends on and how to access it.

QA engineers

Much of what was written above for software engineers applies also to QA engineers. QA engineers also need documentation to set up and run a service—either to test it manually or to perform automated testing. An additional consideration is that QA engineers need to know about dependencies so they can mock them appropriately when writing tests. 

Site Reliability/DevOps engineers

The SRE or DevOps engineer often wants to know if an application can gracefully restart or if it requires manual intervention to ensure services start-up in the proper order. While the individual services may be developed by different teams, SREs, and DevOps engineers need to know how to start or restart these services in production environments with minimal downtime.


Architects need a way to discover dependencies in order to plan application restructuring for growth or stability. Knowledge of the coupling of services can help guide rebalancing and stability improvements.

Now that we’ve gone through the importance of dependency management for your organization, let’s look at five tips for successful dependency management.

Tip # 1: Implement semantic versioning

Using semantic versioning to version your services communicates the impact of changes. The semantic versioning framework has three main version numbers: <major>.<minor>.<patch>. For APIs in particular, the minor and patch values may be less important because incrementing those fields does not indicate a breaking change. When the major version is incremented, a breaking change has been made to the API, and consumers of the API can use that information to more rigorously test their integration with the API before using the new version. 

If your service exposes REST APIs, then the root of the path could be where versions live, such as in /v2/api/users/. Signaling a breaking change by increasing the version allows your dependents to know a change has happened. Do not remove the lower version APIs at this time. Instead, let consumers know that the lower version is deprecated, and give them time to upgrade without outages. This is a low-cost solution that developers can implement and maintain. Many languages have libraries that provide easy management of the version number for a system or package.

Maintaining a versioning schema is a simple, cost-effective way to communicate changes and can serve as a baseline for dependency management in your software project. Semantic versioning takes the guesswork out of “how and when should we version” and allows developers to solve problems.

Tip #2: Use contract testing

Contract tests validate an API schema “handshake” between consumers and producers of an API. Contract tests are handy in that they can be run in CI pipelines and give fast feedback if API changes break the contract between consumers and producers of an API. An upside is the contracts can live in the respective code repositories and are visible to development teams. The downside is that these contracts must be kept updated and can drift from how the actual, existing API behaves. 

Tip #3: Run synthetic tests

Synthetic tests are API test frameworks typically run in the cloud to mimic critical user journeys throughout a microservice ecosystem. For example, let’s say you want to ensure that a user can log in, browse a catalog, and purchase a product. You would write a synthetic test that would hit each service in this chain of events as if it was a real user in a browser, validating the responses after each request to ensure every service’s API functions as expected. Synthetic tests often measure more than simple functionality; they can also yield important performance and correctness metrics.

Synthetic tests can be written and maintained by Software and QA engineers, but there are a handful of platforms that offer low-code or code-free synthetic testing frameworks. Using a synthetic testing platform can save time, but does come with downsides. These tests require maintenance outside of the code base of each individual service, and that maintenance can be time-consuming if changes are not clearly communicated. It’s not uncommon for synthetic test maintenance to be overlooked when making changes to service APIs. For synthetic tests to continue providing value, this maintenance must be ongoing.

Tip #4: Adopt compliance and standards management tools

OpsLevel is a tool primarily concerned with ensuring a development organization is setting and following standards across the board. It can also build a service dependency map that can be used by developers, SREs, or architects, helping them to understand the interdependencies of services inside the company. The downside here is this map is curated manually, which can often leave it incomplete or drifting from reality.

Tip #5: Use Architect’s dependency management platform

Architect has a deployment management tool that makes dependency awareness a first-class citizen. Architect employs a declarative YAML syntax for setting up service deployments that have dependency checks and awareness built in.

Here’s an example of a service dependent on the authentication API: 

  authentication: 1.2.1

      http: 8080
      AUTH_INTERNAL: ${{ }}
      AUTH_EXTERNAL: ${{ }}

The name of the service is clearly defined along with the version of the API (in semantic version format, no less)! This is very similar to using a package manager for software libraries that developers, SREs, and architects will recognize. 

Architect provides additional functionality with respect to dependencies in their syntax, specifically allowing for different protocols, service-to-service authentication, and the usual host, port, and path values. All this adds up to make a system that is easy to configure, and one that injects a lot of smarts into your deployments organization-wide.

With dependency management in Architect, all levels of your organization benefit. Your design architects can use this to plan and modify large sets of functionality composed of microservices. SREs and DevOps engineers gain insight into service dependencies. Developers know what services and versions their service depends on and importantly, what teams depend on their APIs, along with what versions. 

A bonus for using Architect for service dependencies is that it facilitates the creation of a service catalog that can be used for service discovery. A service catalog allows developers to browse the set of services already developed in an organization, see their dependencies, and decide if they can use them for a project they are working on. This raises awareness of work throughout the organization, helping teams follow DRY principles by facilitating reuse instead of rebuilding.

Learn More

There’s a lot of good information here about managing dependencies, but if you’d like to learn more about microservices and the intricacies of dependency management, check out these other blog posts:

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